Monday, October 14, 2019

My informative speech topic

Selena is a person who lives on in me because she taught me that no matter where you come from or who you are you can do it. So for my coms class we are doing our informative speech and my topic is Selena Quintanilla. Selena was an American singer song writer and a fashion trendsetter, she also made music history.

A little bit about her she was born in lake Jackson, Texas and was in a band called Selena y los dinos which was managed and produced my her father Abraham. She really didn't have much of a childhood because the band took up most her time. While kids were playing outside she was at home practicing and trying to perfect her voice. She became more popular when she started singing at her family restaurant and soon started getting local fans.

She later on opened a boutique to sell her clothes in. She was into the flashy and outgoing styles like bright colors and different patterns. She won Grammys and she was also the first female Tejano singer. Her fans called her the "queen of Tejano music". On March 31st, 1995 her life was cut short when she was shot by Yolanda Salvidar. Who was her close friend, president of her fan club and managed her two stores. Later found out that Yolanda was embezzling money she took over 60,000 dollars. she is not in jail for life but is up for parole in 2025. The last words Selena said was "Yolanda room 158". She left behind her husband christian Perez who was her lead guitarist in the band. Her fans were in a state of shock since she died at a young age, Selena was only 23. Some of her fans flew thousands of miles to see where she died at and to pay respect.

1 comment:

bonnie lenore kyburz said...

What a cool tribute!
I remember all of it -- her rise to fame, the unfortunate early death, the J-Lo movie, ...
Glad to see she inspires you!
I hope your talk went well.