Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal Essay Reflection

When writting my personal essay it was hard for me to choose one thing that I wanted to write about. I had may different things I wanted to write about like my trip to Disney world, moving homes, going to different schools, figuring out how to pay for college and more.

The reason I chose the topic for my personal essay because it was a big part of my life and made me who I was as a person today. One person taught me what its like to be thankful for what I have and never let a day go away without living it till your fullest, taught to be strong and not to fear the un known. Jasmin was the topic of my essay she is the best person in my life, my best friend she has her days where she can be feeling down but then other days where she is a ball of light. Those days you don't want to bring her down you just want to keep that smile on her face, on the days she's feeling down your want to just sit with her and let her know you're there for her.

The thing that was hard for me when writing my personal essay was trying to figure out how to put everything in like a story form. It was a quite a challenge for me because this was also a topic I felt strongly about and wanted to make sure the essay was well written. I must have revised this essay over 6 times I had a couple of my friends look at it, my writers workshop tutor and myself just rereading it, taking stuff out and adding things in. The things that helped me to write this was the in class activity we did where we just wrote whatever came to mind in like list form that helped me like just think about that instead thinking about everything all at once.

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