Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanks Giving Break

Image result for thanksgivingIm excited for thanksgiving break because I'll be able to go home and spend time with my family and friends. My family is pretty big and I like it when we all get together since I don't really see them as much as I would like too. It's understandable because all my aunts and uncles have kids and everyone works so when we all get together its pretty cool.

A tradition we do in our family is we go around the table and say something that is important to us that happen and you want the family to know about my little cousin said she was happy that a girl in her class finally started talking to her and they are best-friends now. I talked about college and how its going for me.

Im also excited that when we come back we have like only a week or two left and then its Christmas break. We get a whole month off which is nice cause we can get a break from all the work we get. I think I can say that everyone deserves a break especially after working so hard this semester and all the work people put into their work.

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