Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Where I grew up

I grew up in a town called Cicero in IL. I lived there for more than half of life before I moved to Berwyn which was only a couple blocks away. I lived in this neighborhood where everyone had kids I always had someone to play outside with. I had Jasmin, Natalie, Tony, and Alex down the block and on the other side was Ivan, Danny, Guero, Carlos, junior, Angelina and angel. Of course there's more but for now those were the main people I went outside with. There was a movie store in the corner where we would rent movies or buy movies every Friday and have a movie night at my house or Dannys house. My mom would snacks for us and all the kids.

There was a park not too far away from my house with a huge hill that you can roll down. My dad would take Jasmin and I In my wagon that fit 3 people. When we reached the park we would get out and go straight on the swings because those were our favorite. Now Jasmin and I take her sister on that wagon which is pretty good its like a tradition we started.

When I moved from Cicero to berwyn it was way different because in Cicero I knew everyone of my neighbors. In berwyn I didn't know any one of my neighbors nor did I try too. There weren't that many kids who were my age on the block. I liked going back to my old block though since it was where I grew up and was filled with people I knew.
Image result for berwyn il
Image result for cicero il

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal Essay Reflection

When writting my personal essay it was hard for me to choose one thing that I wanted to write about. I had may different things I wanted to write about like my trip to Disney world, moving homes, going to different schools, figuring out how to pay for college and more.

The reason I chose the topic for my personal essay because it was a big part of my life and made me who I was as a person today. One person taught me what its like to be thankful for what I have and never let a day go away without living it till your fullest, taught to be strong and not to fear the un known. Jasmin was the topic of my essay she is the best person in my life, my best friend she has her days where she can be feeling down but then other days where she is a ball of light. Those days you don't want to bring her down you just want to keep that smile on her face, on the days she's feeling down your want to just sit with her and let her know you're there for her.

The thing that was hard for me when writing my personal essay was trying to figure out how to put everything in like a story form. It was a quite a challenge for me because this was also a topic I felt strongly about and wanted to make sure the essay was well written. I must have revised this essay over 6 times I had a couple of my friends look at it, my writers workshop tutor and myself just rereading it, taking stuff out and adding things in. The things that helped me to write this was the in class activity we did where we just wrote whatever came to mind in like list form that helped me like just think about that instead thinking about everything all at once.

Monday, October 14, 2019

My informative speech topic

Selena is a person who lives on in me because she taught me that no matter where you come from or who you are you can do it. So for my coms class we are doing our informative speech and my topic is Selena Quintanilla. Selena was an American singer song writer and a fashion trendsetter, she also made music history.

A little bit about her she was born in lake Jackson, Texas and was in a band called Selena y los dinos which was managed and produced my her father Abraham. She really didn't have much of a childhood because the band took up most her time. While kids were playing outside she was at home practicing and trying to perfect her voice. She became more popular when she started singing at her family restaurant and soon started getting local fans.

She later on opened a boutique to sell her clothes in. She was into the flashy and outgoing styles like bright colors and different patterns. She won Grammys and she was also the first female Tejano singer. Her fans called her the "queen of Tejano music". On March 31st, 1995 her life was cut short when she was shot by Yolanda Salvidar. Who was her close friend, president of her fan club and managed her two stores. Later found out that Yolanda was embezzling money she took over 60,000 dollars. she is not in jail for life but is up for parole in 2025. The last words Selena said was "Yolanda room 158". She left behind her husband christian Perez who was her lead guitarist in the band. Her fans were in a state of shock since she died at a young age, Selena was only 23. Some of her fans flew thousands of miles to see where she died at and to pay respect.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Diversity Inclusion Week

For diversity inclusion week my friends and I decided to go to the soccer game against eastern Illinois university. The thing was we didn't know where the game was at, you would think we have common sense and go to the field but nope. We literally walked around the whole entire campus trying to find where this game was at. After walking for a while we heard the announcements going on from the game and finally we found where it was held at.

When we made it to the game we walked inside and sat on the bleachers, I was happy I brought a sweater because towards the night it got kind of cold and I would have been freezing. Seeing the game brought back memories from when I played and made me miss it. The game was overall good they won 5 to 1.

Overall it was fun I got to hang out with my friends while watching soccer which was cool since I like the sport. The sunset was also really nice. The sky turned a purple to orange which was pretty cool. It was nice way to relax and not have to worry about home work for once and just watch the game.