Thursday, September 19, 2019

Movies in the park!

I always heard about the movies they play in down town at millennium park. I would see post on facebook about what time the movie starts and when its playing. It's actual name it's called is the summer film series.

I live 15 minutes away from Chicago but never went to a movie in the park.  So over the summer my friends and I decided to go for the first time. The day we decided to go was the day that "Love Simon" was playing. We went to Walmart to buy some snacks so if we get hungry we had something to munch on. When we got to the park we had to set everything up so we put our blankets down took out our snacks and since we got there a bit early to find a good spot we played a game of UNO to pass the time.

Overall the movie was really good I enjoyed watching it and then at the end, everyone reaction was so cool. I will definitely to do this again next summer. The only thing I would do next time is to bring more blankets as it may be hot durning the day but once the sun went down it got really cold.


Mya Gilliean said...

This looks like fun! I always wanted to go to a movie in the park! That's good that you enjoyed yourself!

bonnie lenore kyburz said...

What a fun event! I love trips to downtown CHI! I've never done a movie on the lawn, but now I want to!

It's cool to see you trying new things. Glad you enjoyed!