Monday, September 23, 2019

About Lucy

I recently took this picture of my dog Lucy. This photo is one of my favorites because of the way she's posing, she looks very professional (It took a-lot of treats to get her to sit like this).

A little big about my dog, she is 7 years old so she is 49 years old in dog years. She still has a lot of energy for her age except, she does not like walking. When we take her out for a walk she either wants to go inside right away, she will literally pull me towards the house. 

Lucy wasn't suppose to be our "forever" dog you can say we were only pet sitting her at first until the owner could find her a home. The original owner that her loved her a-lot he was training her to be a K-9 dog but he got allergic to the amount of fur she would shed and could no longer have her. My cousin was the one who told about it and we were happy to giver her a home for a while. Our family got attached quickly and after a month we adopted her. Shes been with us ever since.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Movies in the park!

I always heard about the movies they play in down town at millennium park. I would see post on facebook about what time the movie starts and when its playing. It's actual name it's called is the summer film series.

I live 15 minutes away from Chicago but never went to a movie in the park.  So over the summer my friends and I decided to go for the first time. The day we decided to go was the day that "Love Simon" was playing. We went to Walmart to buy some snacks so if we get hungry we had something to munch on. When we got to the park we had to set everything up so we put our blankets down took out our snacks and since we got there a bit early to find a good spot we played a game of UNO to pass the time.

Overall the movie was really good I enjoyed watching it and then at the end, everyone reaction was so cool. I will definitely to do this again next summer. The only thing I would do next time is to bring more blankets as it may be hot durning the day but once the sun went down it got really cold.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Getting tacos!

My friends and I went to the Latin chill event at the latino resource center the other day. They had music and ice cream but the best thing they had were the tacos. They brought a taco trunk and we got to get free tacos. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and getting able to be with people who are from my culture and also people who want to learn more about the culture. It was a good way for me to talk to people and learn new things about other people on campus.